In this article, I’m introducing how to read Japanese numeral.
This time is from 1,000 to 10,000.
1,000 / 千 [せん sen]
= one thousand
2,000 / 2千 / 二千 [にせん ni sen]
= two thousand
3,000 / 3千 / 三千 [さんぜん san zen]
= three thousand
4,000 / 4千 / 四千 [よんせん yon sen]
= four thousand
5,000 / 5千 / 五千 [ごせん go sen]
= five thousand
6,000 / 6千 / 六千 [ろくせん roku sen]
= six thousand
7,000 / 7千 / 七千 [ななせん nana sen]
= seven thousand
8,000 / 8千 / 八千 [はっせん hassen]
= eight thousand
9,000 / 9千 / 九千 [きゅうせん kyuu sen]
= nine thousand
10,000 / 1万 / 一万 [いちまん ichi man]
= ten thousand
“五百らかん寺さざゐどう(ごひゃく らかんじ さざいどう Go hyaku rakan ji Sazaidou)
Sazai Hall at the Temple of the Five Hundred Arhats”
in “富嶽三十六景 (ふがく さんじゅう ろっけい Fu gaku san juu rokkei)
Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji”
painted by 葛飾北斎 (かつしか ほくさい Katsu shika Hoku sai 1760-1849), globally famous Japanese ukiyo-e painter
公開日/post 2016.03.15
更新日/update 2020.05.23