過去 [かこ ka ko] = past
現在 [げんざい gen zai] = present
未来 [みらい mi rai] = future
Nagoya city after the air raid in 1945
(source) public domain of Wikimedia Commons
2年前 [にねんまえ ni nen mae] = 2 years ago
一昨年 [おととし ototoshi] [いっさくねん issaku nen]
= the year before last
去年 [きょねん kyo nen] / 昨年 [さくねん saku nen] = last year
前年 [ぜんねん zen nen] = the previous year
今年 [ことし ko toshi] / 本年 [ほんねん hon nen]= this year
来年 [らいねん rai nen] = next year
翌年 [よくとし yoku toshi] [よくねん yoku nen] = the following year
再来年 [さらいねん sa rai nen] = the year after next
2年後 [にねんご ni nen go] = 2 years later
2ヶ月前 [にかげつまえ ni ka getsu mae] = 2 months ago
先々月 [せんせんげつ sen sen getsu]
= the month before last
先月 [せんげつ sen getsu] = last month
前月 [ぜんげつ zen getsu] = the previous month
今月 [こんげつ kon getsu] = this month
来月 [らいげつ rai getsu] = next month
翌月 [よくげつ yoku getsu] = the following month
再来月 [さらいげつ sa rai getsu] = the month after next
2ヶ月後 [にかげつご ni ka getsu go] = 2 months later
2週間前 [にしゅうかんまえ ni shuu kan mae] = 2 weeks ago
先々週 [せんせんしゅう sen sen shuu] = the week before last
先週 [せんしゅう sen shuu] = last week
今週 [こんしゅう kon shuu] = this week
来週 [らいしゅう rai shuu] = next week
翌週 [よくしゅう yoku shuu] = the following week
再来週 [さらいしゅう sa rai shuu] = the week after next
2週間後 [にしゅうかんご ni shuu kan go] = 2 weeks later
3日前 [みっかまえ mikka mae] = 3 days ago
2日前 [ふつかまえ futsuka mae] = 2 days ago
一昨日 [おととい ototoi] [いっさくじつ issaku jitsu]
= the day before yesterday
昨日 [きのう kinou] [さくじつ saku jitsu] = yesterday
前日 [ぜんじつ zen jitsu] = the day before, the previous day
今日 [きょう kyou] / 本日 [ほんじつ hon jitsu] = today
明日 [あした ashita] [あす asu] = tomorrow
翌日 [よくじつ yoku jitsu] = the next day
明後日 [あさって asatte] [みょうごにち myou go nichi] = day after tomorrow
2日後 [ふつかご futsuka go] = 2 days later
明々後日 [しあさって shiasatte] = 3 days later
3日後 [みっかご mikka go] = 3 days later
Nagoya station in 2018
公開日/post 2016.03.15
更新日/update 2019.11.07